Created By Brant Sponberg, edited and expanded by Paul Routly and by Joseph S. Tenn.
Dates: December 29-30, 1927
Place: Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Number of Members in Attendance: 87 Total; 20 Female; 67 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 15 Total; 2 Female; 13 Male
Total Membership: 450 (429 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 45
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committee: None
Old Committee: Committee on Incorporation (Dropping of the word "the" in the title of the Society).
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): Max Wolf, Director of Heidelberg Observatory
Notes of Interest: The Thirty-ninth Meeting of the AAS took place in New Haven on Thursday and Friday, December 29-30, 1927, at the invitation of Yale University, with all the scientific sessions held in William L. Harkness Hall. The President of the Society, George C. Comstock, presided over the first two sessions and part of the third, and then asked Ex-President Frank Schlesinger to take the Chair. At the Business Meeting on Thursday, December 29, Comstock reported for the Committee on Incorporation - the word "The" was deleted from the name of the Society as it appeared in the Articles of Incorporation. A Resolution was passed thanking Joel Stebbins for his years of service as Secretary of the Society. At the request of the Society Council, the National Fellowship Research Board authorized the publication of a statement to the effect that qualified candidates in astronomy are eligible to apply for National Research Council Post-doctoral Fellowships. On Saturday morning, many of the AAS Members re-assembled as the American Section of the International Astronomical Union, Professor Harlow Shapley presiding, to discuss general Union business. Some of the matters discussed, in part, were: the mathematical definition of the limits of the Northern Constellations; the standard unit of Stellar Distance; the early publication of Meridian Observations; the marked increase in the accuracy of New Secondary Standards of Iron and of the New System of Solar Standards; Observations of Latitude Variation in the Southern Hemisphere; an international code for telegrams to contain provision for a brief description of Objects; a New Catalogue of Meteor Radiants; publication of old observations of Variable Stars; the Nomenclature of Variable Stars; the systematic errors of Visual and Photographic Observations of Double Stars; plans for cooperation in the Observation and Classification of Nebulae; the classification of O-type Stars; and the systematic extension of Radial-velocity Determinations to Fainter Stars.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees (Courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives #AAS E72). Identifications (pdf). |
Dates: September 10-12, 1928
Place: Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts
Number of Members in Attendance: 61 Total; 13 Female; 48 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 22 Total; 5 Female; 17 Male
Total Membership: 474 (452 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 28
Members/representatives/delegates: The following Society member was appointed a member of the Division of Physical Sciences, National Research Council: W.S. Eichelberger 1929-1932.
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): Professor Henri Deslandres, Director of the Paris and Meudon Observatories
Notes of Interest: The Fortieth Meeting of the AAS was held at Amherst College on Monday to Wednesday, September 10-12, 1928. The Scientific sessions were held in one of the lecture rooms of Fayerweather Laboratories, and were presided over by AAS President, G.C. Comstock. At a short business session on Tuesday, September 11, Mr. Comstock reported that the Society has been duly Incorporated and is now, in the eyes of the law, domiciled at the Dearborn Observatory, in Cook County, Illinois. The meeting came to a close with a highly successful dinner at the Lord Jeffrey.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees [Identifications]. |
Dates: December 26-29, 1928
Place: New York, New York
Number of Members in Attendance: 108 Total; 22 Female; 86 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 15 Total; 4 Female; 11 Male
Total Membership: 485 (452 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 31
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committees: Constitutional Committee (To consider advisable changes in the Society's Constitution and By-laws to make them consistent with the Articles of the recent Incorporation), composed of F. Schlesinger, F. Slocum, and J. Stebbins, Chair.
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: AAAS
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The Forty-first Meeting of the AAS was held in New York City on Wednesday to Saturday, December 26-29, 1928, in conjunction with the AAAS. The four sessions for scientific papers were held jointly with Section D in the Physics Building of Columbia University, and were presided over by AAS President, E.W. Brown, by F. Schlesinger, by H.H. Turner, Honorary Member of the Society, and by Philip Fox. The Presidential address of George C. Comstock, "The Atmospheric Refraction" was read on Saturday Morning by Mr. Joel Stebbins. In addition, on Friday afternoon, at the Museum of Natural History, Mr. Nicholson read the address of the retiring Vice-President of Section D, Walter S. Adams, "On the Possibilities of the Proposed 200-inch Telescope." This was followed by talks by W.J. Humphreys on "Samplesof Outdoor Physics," and by H.H. Turner, the invited representative of the British Association, on "A Scientific Retrospect." Some members went to all the receptions and evening lectures, several shows, and the concert of the New York Philharmonic Sunday afternoon, ending up with Mr. Harlow Shapley's Tour Through "Galaxies of Galaxies."
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees |
Dates: August 26-29, 1929
Place: Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Number of Members in Attendance: 75 Total; 12 Female; 63 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 14 Total; 2 Female; 12 Male
Total Membership: ?? (485 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 47
Members/representatives/delegates: The following Society members were chosen as representatives on the National Research Council: Frank Schlesinger 1927-1930, W.S. Adams 1928-1931, W.S. Eichelberger 1929-1932, and S.A. Mitchell 1930-1933. Messrs. D.W. Morehouse and C.C. Wylie were appointed Representatives of the Society on the Council of the AAAS for the Des Moines Meeting in December of 1929.
New Committees: Scientific Radio Union Committee (To consider the advantages of co-operating with the International Scientific Radio Union), composed of C.G. Abbot, F.B. Littell, and Wm. Bowie, Chair.
Old Committees: Constitutional Committee.
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The Forty-second Meeting of the AAS was held at the Dominion Observatory in Ottawa, Monday to Thursday, August 26-29, 1929, at the invitation of the Minister of the Interior and the Director of the Observatory. In addition to the scientific sessions, on Wednesday evening, under the Joint Auspices of the Ottawa Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society and the AAS, Mr. J. W. Fecker gave a very instructive talk on the making of telescopes and domes, entitled "Engineering in Astronomy." A significant step taken by the society was the unanimous adoption of the new Constitution and By-laws. The Meeting ended with a banquet at the Chateau Laurier Hotel, complete with good food and good speeches.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees [Identifications]. |
Dates: December 30, 1929 - January 2, 1930
Place: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Number of Members in Attendance: 91 Total; 24 Female; 67 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 19 Total; 1 Female; 18 Male
Total Membership: 498
Number of Papers Presented: 29
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committees: Investment Committee (To consider the investment of Society funds), Composed of Messrs. E.W. Brown, Benjamin Boss, and G.H. Peters, Chair.
Old Committees: Membership Fee Committee (To define the sliding scale of Life Membership fees provided for by the New Constitution).
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): Friedrich Kustner of Bonn
Notes of Interest: The AAS held its Forty-third Meeting in Cambridge, Massachusetts, from Monday, December 30, 1929 to Thursday, January 2, 1930. Except where noted below, the scientific sessions were conducted in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory of Harvard University. A telegram expressing the sympathy of the Society was sent to Mrs. Curtis on the occasion of the recent loss of her husband, R.H. Curtis. On Tuesday afternoon, the Society descended "en masse" on Wellesley College, where one of the sessions was held, and the Whitin Observatory was visited. A lively, and highly successful, New Year's Eve party, dubbed "The Harvard Observatory Pinafore," modelled after the operetta of the same name, interrupted the astronomical deliberations. A significant action of the Council during the Forty-third Meeting was that the President was authorized to appoint a committee to proceed with the organization of the meeting of the International Astronomical Union, to take place in this country in 1932. Wednesday evening, a dinner was held at the Commander Hotel, and on Thursday morning, the meeting ended with a field trip to the General Electric plant in West Lyme, where Dr. Elihu Thomson and his colleagues, reported on their work to use quartz in astronomical mirrors.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees [Identifications]. |
Dates: September 3-6, 1930
Place: Adler Planetarium & Astronomical Museum, Chicago, Illinois
Number of Members in Attendance: 100 Total; 12 Female; 88 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 19 Total; 2 Female; 17 Male
Total Membership: 513 (498 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 45
Members/representatives/delegates: The following Society members have been designated as representatives of the Society on the Division of Physical Sciences, National Research Council: W.S. Adams 1928-1931, W.S. Eichelberger 1929-1932, S.A. Mitchell 1930-1933, and the President and Secretary of the AAS ex officio. This body is the National Committee in the International Astronomical Union; Adams is Chair and R.S. Dugan is Secretary. H.N. Russell was elected for the term 1931-1934. Mr. J.J. Nassau has been selected as a delegate to represent the Society at the semi-centennial of the Case School, while Mr. V.M. Slipher has been selected a delegate to represent the Society at the Presidential Inauguration of the University of Arizona. Additionally, Mr. W.S. Adams has been selected a delegate to represent the Society at the dedication of the Los Angeles campus of the University of California, and Mr. F.C. Leonard has been selected a delegate to represent the Society at the semi-centennial of the University of Southern California. Messrs. H.W. Mountcastle and J.J. Nassau have been appointed as delegates, representing the Society, to the Council of the AAAS for the Cleveland Meeting.
New Committees: Journal Committee (To consider the feasibility of the Society publishing it's own journal), composed of Messrs. R.G. Aitken, Benjamin Boss, E.B. Frost, H.H. Plaskett, and E.W. Brown, Chair; Exhibit Committee (To look into the desirability of exhibiting with the Royal Photographic Society), composed of Messrs. R.G. Aitken, H.D. Babcock, E.B. Frost, V.M. Slipher, and C.K.E. Mees, Chair; Popular Science Award Committee (To look into the desirability of a popular science award conferred monthly), composed of Messrs. H.D. Curtis, A.S. King, and F. Schlesinger, Chair; the following committees have been appointed to proceed with preparations for the meeting of the International Astronomical Union to be held in this country in 1932: General Committee, composed of Messrs. C.G. Abbot, W.S. Adams, R.G. Aitken, Benjamin Boss, William Bowie, W.W. Campbell, H.D. Curtis, E.B. Frost, G.E. Hale, J.A. Miller, S.A. Mitchell, H.N. Russell, F. Schlesinger, Harlow Shapley, V.M. Slipher, F. Slocum, J. Stebbins, the Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Observatory ex officio, the AAS President ex officio Chair, and the AAS Secretary ex officio Secretary; Executive Committee, consisting of Messrs. W.W. Campbell, H.N. Russell, F. Schlesinger, Harlow Shapley, J. Stebbins, and the President and Secretary as ex officio Chair and Secretary respectively; Committee on Place of Meeting, composed of Messrs. C.G. Abbot, J.J. Carty, H.N. Russell (Dugan substitute), F. Schlesinger, and Harlow Shapley, Chair; Committee on Finance, Composed of Messrs. W.W. Campbell, Chair, Harlow Shapley, F. Slocum, and the President and Secretary of the Society ex officio.
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The AAS held its Forty-fourth Meeting in Chicago, Illinois at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum on Wednesday to Saturday, September 3-6, 1930. Messrs. Philip Fox, G. Van Biesbroeck, and Oliver J. Lee were called upon by the Society President to Preside over the scientific sessions. Mr. Frederick Slocum acted as Press Secretary. At the Business Meeting of the Society on Friday, September 5, an amended Article of the By-laws dealing with dues was adopted in the form proposed in the printed announcement of the Meeting. On Saturday morning, the General Organization Committee for the 1932 International Astronomical Union Meeting, held a session at which the place and time of the 1932 Meeting, and some of the preparatory steps, were given full discussion. During the Society Meeting, members and their guests visited the Dearborn Observatory at the invitation of Mr. Oliver Lee, and the corridor surrounding the planetarium examining the transparencies and instruments which have been collected over time. At the close of the Meeting, a resolution proposed by James Stockley Jr. thanking Mr. Max Adler for his generous gift to astronomy was unanimously adopted by the Society. Also, at the close, members and their guests were invited to visit the Yerkes Observatory by Professor Edwin B. Frost.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees [Identifications]. |
Dates: December 31, 1930 - January 3, 1931
Place: New Haven, Connecticut
Number of Members in Attendance: 79 Total; 18 Female; 61 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 12 Total; 0 Female; 12 Male
Total Membership: 510 (534 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 38
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committees: None
Old Committees: Journal Committee; Executive Committee of the International Astronomical Union Organization Committee.
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The AAS held its Forty-fifth Meeting in New Haven, Connecticut from Wednesday to Saturday, December 31, 1930 to January 3, 1931. President E.W. Brown called upon Ex-President F. Schlesinger, Vice-President Joel Stebbins, and Councilor Frank B. Littell to preside over the scientific sessions. As reported above, the Executive Committee of the International Astronomical Union met and approved the recommendation from the Committee on Place of Meeting that the 1932 Meeting of the International Astronomical Union take place in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The date of the meeting is still under discussion, but it will be as soon after the Eclipse of August 31, 1932 as possible. A committee of three is to be appointed to make investigations of sites and arrangements for eclipse parties. Also, as reported above, the Journal Committee reported disagreement, and the matter was laid on the table.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees (Courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives #AAS E73). Identifications (pdf). |
Dates: September 7-9, 1931
Place: Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio
Number of Members in Attendance: 79 Total; 8 Female; 70 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 17 Total; 3 Female; 14 Male
Total Membership: 510 (534 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 30
Members/representatives/delegates: Society members of the Division of Physical Sciences, National Research Council, constituting the Executive Committee of the American Section of the U.S. National Committee of the International Astronomical Union are: W.S. Eichelberger 1929-1932, S.A. Mitchell 1930-1933, H.N. Russell 1931-1934, W.S. Adams 1931-1934 ex officio, and R.S. Dugan 1931-1932 ex officio. Society member H.D. Curtis was elected for the term 1932-1935. Miss Caroline E. Furness and Mr. A.S. King have been selected as delegates to represent the Society on the Council of the AAAS for the New Orleans and Pasadena Meetings. Mr. E.S. Haynes has been selected as a delegate to represent the Society at the Inauguration of President R.H. Ruff, Central College, Fayette, Missouri on May 25, 1931. Mr. O.L. Dustheimer has been selected as a delegate to represent the Society at the dedication of Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio on June 17, 1931.
New Committees: Eclipse Committee (To pick observing sites for the 1932 Solar Eclipse), made up of F. Slocum, Chair, O. Roberts, and R.M. Stewart; Finance Committee (For the International Astronomical Union), made up of A.O. Leuschner, Chair, E.W. Brown, Treasurer, Harlow Shapley, F. Slocum, AAS President ex officio, and AAS Secretary ex officio Secretary.
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): Professor W. De Sitter
Notes of Interest: The AAS held its Forty-sixth Meeting at Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio on Monday to Wednesday, September 7-9, 1931 on the invitation of H.T. Stetson, Director of the Perkins Observatory. Messrs. Frank B. Littell, Frederick Slocum, H.T. Stetson, and R.M. Stewart were asked to preside over the scientific sessions. The Eclipse Committee, mentioned above, submitted their report almost immediately, before the next meeting of the Society. The farewell banquet was given on Tuesday evening, September 8, at the Granville Inn, and was enjoyed by all.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees (left half) [Identifications]. |
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Group photo of attendees (right half) [Identifications]. |
Dates: December 28-30, 1931
Place: Washington, D.C.
Number of Members in Attendance: 101 Total; 18 Female; 83 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 14 Total; 4 Female; 10 Male
Total Membership: 534
Number of Papers Presented: 34
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The AAS held its Forty-seventh Meeting in Washington, D.C., on Monday to Wednesday, December 28-30, 1931. Local arrangements were in the hands of Captain J.F. Hellweg, Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Observatory, and other members of his staff. The scientific sessions were held in the Lecture Hall of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, and included the presidential address of E.W. Brown, entitled "Observational and Gravitational Theory in the Solar System." Vice-President C.G. Abbot was the presiding officer of the meeting. Mr. J.Q. Stewart served as Press Secretary. Extra-curricular activities included a generous reception at the Naval Observatory, and a visit to the National Bureau of Standards. The farewell banquet was, as usual, a decided success.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees [Identifications]. |
Dates: September 2, 1932
Place: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Number of Members in Attendance: 46 Total; 11 Female; 35 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 8 Total; 3 Female; 5 Male
Total Membership: 532 (530 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 0
Members/representatives/delegates: Society Members of the Division of Physical Sciences, National Research Council, Constituting the U.S. National Committee of the International Astronomical Union are: S.A. Mitchell 1930-1933, H.N. Russell 1931-1934, Chair, H.D. Curtis 1932-1935, W.S. Adams 1931-1934 ex officio, and R.S. Dugan 1932-1933 ex officio. Member J.A. Miller was elected for the term 1933-1936. Messrs. W.S. Eichelberger and W.P. Graham were selected as representatives of the Society on the Council of the AAAS. Mr. Theodore Dunham Jr. was selected a representative of the Society to serve on the American National Committee for International Congresses of Photography, while Mr. Max Wolf was selected a representative of the Society at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Zurich, September 4-12, 1932. Mr. Jan Schilt was selected a representative of the Society at the inauguration of the President of Brooklyn College, June 21, 1932, and Mr. Samuel G. Barton was selected a representative of the Society to serve on the General Committee for the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of David Rittenhouse.
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The Forty-eighth Meeting of the AAS was held in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Friday, September 2, 1932. As the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union was to meet immediately afterwards, it had been decided at a previous meeting of the Society to dispense with the usual program of papers, and to limit the meeting to one day. That evening the Society hosted a reception for members of the International Astronomical Union in the Quadrangle of Lowell House, Harvard University, Through the invitation of Professor Julian L. Coolidge, Master.
Published description of meeting: