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Needed AAS Member Obituaries

Last Updated: 19 March 2025

The AAS/HAD Obituary Committee is responsible for commissioning and compiling obituaries for deceased members of the Society. These obituaries are published in the Bulletin of the AAS as a tribute and for the benefit of future historians of science. The committee depends entirely on our astronomical colleagues, including astronomy-department and observatory administrators, who knew the deceased, for help writing obituaries. Currently there are a number of recently and not-so-recently deceased AAS members for whom we lack written obituaries. Please take a moment to review the list of names, and contact Crystal Tinch ( if you’d be willing to write an obituary for a former colleague and member. Thank you!

Richard C. Altrock
Joseph A. Burns
Robert Chapman
Upendra Desai
John Donaldson
Uri Feldman
W. Kent Ford, Jr.
Kenneth Frost
Ronald Greeley
George S. Greenstein
Paul Guttman
Donald N. B. Hall
Richard Hansen
James Burkett Hartle
Henry Horak
John T. Jefferies
James Kaler
Hans Kennedy
Jack Kent
Arnold Klemola
Truman Kohman
Robert L. Kurucz
Karen B. Kwitter
John Lawrence
Jeffrey McClintock
Richard E. McCrosky
Thomas Margrave
Dennis L. Matson
John E. Mead
Michael Merilan
Michael Mishchennko
Romas Mitalas
Osamu Namba
Ronald Oliversen
Steven Ostro
Thomas Pauls
David Peregrine
Karl Rakos
Ichtiaque Rasool
Harvey B. Richer
James Rodman
Glenn Sandlin
Edward Schiffmacher
Richard Shorthill
Frank Hsia-San Shu
Alicia Margarita Soderberg
Jan E. Staff
Ernest Sternglass
Amber L. Stuver
Fumio Takahara
Paul Tebbe
Robert Tooper
Edward Upton
Michael Van Steenberg
Liese van Zee
Samuel C. Vila
William Webber
John Wood III
Harold Zapolsky
Martin Zombeck