Created By Brant Sponberg, edited and expanded by Paul Routly and Joseph S. Tenn.
Dates: December 29-31, 1937
Place: Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Number of Members in Attendance: 75 Total; 5 Female; 70 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 10 Total; 2 Female; 8 Male
Total Membership: ?? (596 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 53
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The AAS met Wednesday to Friday, December 29-31, 1937 at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, at the invitation of Professor W.A. Cogshall (Fifty-ninth Meeting). The meeting was held in the latter part of the week so as not to conflict with a meeting of Section D of the AAAS held earlier in the week in Indianapolis. All sessions of the Society's meeting were presided over by President Robert G. Aitken. On Thursday afternoon, Dr. Henry Norris Russell, the retiring President of the Society, gave his retirement address on "The Place of Approximate Methods in Astronomy." That evening, at the society dinner, President Aitken presented the Annie J. Cannon Prize to Charlotte Moore Sitterly, as mentioned in the summary of the previous meeting. Finally, it should be reported that the Executive Committee of the American Section of the International Astronomical Union, meeting on December 29 to consider matters to be recommended to the Union at its forthcoming meeting in Stockholm in August of 1938, voted that all members of the AAS who expect to attend the Stockholm Meeting may be accredited to the Union as members for that meeting only.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees (Courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives #AAS E75) [Identifications]. |
Dates: September 14-17, 1938
Place: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Number of Members in Attendance: 93 Total; 10 Female; 83 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 16 Total; 1 Female; 15 Male
Total Membership: 607 (612 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 48
Members/representatives/delegates: Mr. William H. Wright was elected to represent the Society on the Division of Physical Sciences of the National Research Council. In addition, Mr. Edwin F. Carpenter was appointed a delegate to the inauguration of Dr. Alfred Atkinson as President of the University of Arizona, April 12, 1938, and Mr. John A. Miller, a delegate to the dedication of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, May, 1938. Mr. C.A. Chant was elected a representative of the Society on the Council of the AAAS, Ottawa, June, 1938. Mr. Ernest W. Brown was elected a delegate of the Society to the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the American Mathematical Society, New York, September, 1938 (deceased), Mr. Heber D. Curtis, a delegate to the Commemoration of the Discovery of Radium, Electrons, X-rays, and Hertzian Waves, Paris, November, 1938, and N.T. Bobrovnikoff, a delegate to the inauguration of Charles Burgess Ketcham as President of Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, October 20, 1938. Finally, Messrs. H.R. Morgan and S.A. Mitchell were elected representatives of the Society on the Council of the AAAS, Richmond, Virginia, December, 1938. Mr. Charles Smiley was appointed assistant of the Society for the Meeting of December, 1938.
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The Sixtieth Meeting of the AAS was held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan from Wednesday to Saturday, September 14-17, 1938, at the invitation of Professor Heber D. Curtis. Most of the members and visitors occupied rooms at the Michigan Union. Scientific sessions were held in the upper auditorium of the Rackham Graduate School. Mr. Robert R. Mcmath was appointed by the Council to be a member of the Finance Committee to succeed Professor E.W. Brown, deceased. Special note should be made of the fact that the Society received two generous bequests from the estate of Professor Brown - first, the sum of $5000, with the instruction that the income be added to the principle until such time that the Society founds, or acquires, and has full control of a journal devoted to astronomical research, and second, the sum of $1000, to be used to the benefit of the Hollerith Astronomical Computing Bureau.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees (Courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives #AAS E63). [Identifications] |
Dates: December 29-30, 1938
Place: Columbia University, New York, New York
Number of Members in Attendance: 114 Total; 30 Female; 84 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 16 Total; 1 Female; 15 Male
Total Membership: ?? (612 According to J. Hussey)
Number of Papers Presented: 41
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: At the invitation of Professors Jan Schilt and W.J. Eckert, the Sixty-first Meeting of the AAS was held at Columbia University on Thursday and Friday, December 29-30, 1938. In the absence of the President and Secretary, both being in California, the sessions were presided over by Vice-President, Philip Fox, and the Secretary's duties were attended to by Assistant Secretary Charles H. Smiley. In addition to the scientific sessions, there was a pleasant tea at the Faculty Club, given by Dr. and Mrs. Schilt, a special demonstration by Director Clyde Fisher and his staff of the Hayden Planetarium, and visits to the Hollerith Computing Bureau, where vast computing projects are being carried out under the Direction of Dr. Eckert.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees. [Identifications] |
Dates: August 7-9, 1939
Place: University of California, Berkeley, California
Number of Members in Attendance: Total 68; Female 10; Male 58
Number of New Members Admitted: Total 31; Female 8; Male 23
Total Membership: 641
Number of Papers Presented: 47
Members/representatives/delegates: Mr. Paul W. Merrill was elected a member of the Division of Physical Sciences of the National Research Council for the Term 1940-1943. In addition, Professor D.W. Morehouse was elected a representative of the Society at the inauguration of Dr. John Owen Gross as President of Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, April 22, 1939, and Dr. Fred L. Whipple, as representative on the Sectional Committee for Standardization in the Field of Photography, American Standards Association, April 30, 1939.
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The AAS's Sixty-second Meeting was held at the University of California, Berkeley, California on Monday to Wednesday, August 7-9, 1939, at the invitation of Dr. Robert G. Aitken. Three scientific sessions, all presided over by Dr. Aitken, were held in the University's International House. Prior to the Meeting, many members and guests attended the Golden Gate International Exposition, then in progress on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay. After the meeting, organized expeditions were made to the Lick Observatory, to Palomar Observatory, to the Griffith Observatory, to the California Institute of Technology and the 200-inch Mirror in the process of being ground, to the shops and offices of the Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena, And, finally, to the top of Mount Wilson itself where the various instruments and telescopes were available for inspection and use (on Saturday night).
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees (Courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives #AAS E69) [Identifications] |
Dates: December 27-29, 1939
Place: Perkins Observatory, Delaware, Ohio
Number of Members in Attendance: 86 Total; 7 Female; 79 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 7 Total; 0 Female; 7 Male
Total Membership: ??
Number of Papers Presented: 54
Members/representatives/delegates: Messrs. H.R. Morgan, F.R. Moulton, and S.A. Mitchell were appointed delegates to represent the Society at the eight American Science Congress which will meet in Washington in May of 1940. Mr. A.D. Maxwell was appointed Assistant Secretary Pro Tem until the Secretary returns from California in July of 1940.
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: AAAS
Honorary Member(s):
Notes of Interest: At the invitation of N.T. Bobrovnikoff, Director of the Perkins Observatory, the AAS held its Sixty-third Meeting at Delaware, Ohio, from Wednesday to Friday, December 27-29, 1939, in affiliation with the AAAS, which met in Columbus simultaneously - one of the Society's scientific sessions was held in Columbus. Most of the members and guests were housed and fed in Austin Hall, a dormitory on the women's campus of Ohio Wesleyan University, where sessions were held on Thursday morning and afternoon. In the absence of President Aitken, Vice-President Fox acted as Chair. Thursday evening, some of the members went for a free bus ride (compliments of the Perkins Observatory) to Columbus to hear the Sigma Xi address of Dr. Kirtley Mather on "The Future of Man as an Inhabitant of the Earth." The Friday morning session was held at the Perkins Observatory, followed by a buffet luncheon. In the afternoon, members and their guests were transported to Ohio State University in Columbus, where the Society met jointly with Section D of the AAAS. At that session, Dr. R. Meldrum Stewart, the retiring Vice-President of the Section, delivered his address. The meeting concluded in Delaware with the Society Dinner. One interesting note - upon approval by the Council and Members, the annual dues were increased to three dollars, and the Life Membership fees increased by fifty percent.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees. [Identifications] |
Dates: September 11-14, 1940,/p>
Place: Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts
Number of Members in Attendance: 115 Total; 24 Female; 91 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 13 Total; 3 Female; 10 Male
Total Membership: ??
Number of Papers Presented: 46
Members/representatives/delegates: The following appointments have been made: Mr. Paul Herget to the Watson Computing Bureau, and Messrs. Bart Bok, H.R. Morgan, and James Stockley to a Committee on the Distribution of American Astronomical Literature Abroad.
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): A. Pannekoek, Director, Astronomical Institute, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Holland
Notes of Interest: The Sixty-fourth Meeting of the AAS was held at Wellseley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts from Wednesday to Saturday, September 11-14, 1940, on the invitation of Professor John C. Duncan. Most of the members and their guests were housed in Tower Court, a fine dormitory building. Sessions for papers were held on Thursday and Friday morning and afternoon in Pendleton Hall. On Friday morning, immediately following the Business Meeting and at the beginning of the scientific session, President Aitken delivered his retiring address on "Comments from the Side Lines." The Society Dinner was held on Friday Evening at Tower Court, and was followed by dancing. On Saturday morning, members and their guests travelled by automobile to the Oak Ridge Station of Harvard Observatory to inspect the instrumental equipment there.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees. [Identifications] |
Dates: December 29-31, 1940
Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Number of Members in Attendance: 147 Total; 24 Female; 123 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 10 Total; 3 Female; 7 Male
Total Membership: ??
Number of Papers Presented: 56
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committees: None
Old Committees: None
Held in Conjunction With: AAAS
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The Sixty-fifth Meeting of the AAS was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from Sunday to Tuesday, December 29-31, 1940, at the invitation of Dr. Henry Butler Allen, Director of the Franklin Institute, and Professor Charles P. Olivier, Director of the Flower Observatory, University of Pennsylvania. The meeting was in affiliation with the AAAS. Headquarters were at the Robert Morris Hotel, only a few blocks away from the Franklin Institute. Sessions for papers were held in the Lecture Hall of the Franklin Institute on Monday and Tuesday morning and afternoon, and, unless noted below, were chaired by the Society President Joel Stebbins. A new feature of the meeting was a symposium on Tuesday morning dealing with the general subject, "Intrinsic Stellar Variation," and presided over by the symposium's organizer, Dr. Fred L. Whipple. Tuesday afternoon, the address of the retiring Chair of Section D, Dr. Everett I. Yowell, entitled "The Motions of the Stars," was delivered. Dr. R.R. Mcmath, Chair of Section D, presided. The meeting ended with the Society Dinner held Tuesday evening in the Graphics Arts Section of the Franklin Institute. Immediately after the Dinner, the Annie J. Cannon Prize was presented, in absentia, to Miss Julie Vinter Hansen of the Royal Observatory in Copenhagen (now engaged in research at Berkeley).
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees (left half). [Identifications] | |
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Group photo of attendees (right half). [Identifications] |
Dates: September 7-9, 1941
Place: Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin
Number of Members in Attendance: 136 Total; 21 Female; 115 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 19 Total; 4 Female; 15 Male
Total Membership: ??
Number of Papers Presented: 46
Members/representatives/delegates: Mr. Jan Schilt was selected to be the Society's member on the Division of Physical Sciences on the National Research Council. Mr. James Stokley was selected as the Society's representative on the American Documentation Institute, Mr. Frederick Slocum, a representative at the Centennial Celebration of Fordham University, and Messrs. Henry Norris Russell and Joel Stebbins, representatives of the Society at the University of Chicago's semi-centennial celebration.
New Committees: Committee on Policy, composed of Charles H. Smiley, Chair, H.R. Morgan, and D.H. Menzel; Committee on Publications, composed of Joel Stebbins, Dean B. Mclaughlin, Dirk Brouwer, H.R. Morgan, and Henry Norris Russell; Committee on the Interests of Young Astronomers, Composed of C.D. Shane, Chair, R.C. Williams, and F.L. Whipple.
Old Committees: Committee on Publications ??
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The Sixty-sixth Meeting of the AAS was held at the Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin, from Sunday to Tuesday, September 7-9, 1941, at the invitation of Dr. Otto Struve, Director of the Yerkes Observatory. Living accommodations were furnished by the George Williams College Camp on Lake Geneva, directly below the Observatory, and sessions for scientific papers were held in the basement beneath the rising floor of the 40-inch dome. The Council held two meetings of its own at which it approved in principle the proposal that the Society take over the publication of the Astronomical Journal, and that Dirk Brouwer be appointed its Editor. As reported above, a Committee was formed to act in the transfer of ownership of the Astronomical Journal from the Dudley Observatory to the Society, and to formulate the general policy of the Society in regard to journals and publications. The Council also approved the proposed collaboration with the Astrophysical Journal, whereby the Society would appoint the collaborating Editors of that journal and the members would be offered a reduced rate of subscription. The meeting of the Society was followed by a three-day symposium on astronomical spectra, under the auspices of the Yerkes Observatory, as part of the program of the semi-centennial celebration of the University of Chicago. A large fraction of the members and their guests, who attended the Society Meeting, attended this symposium as well.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees [Identifications] |
Dates: December 28-30, 1941
Place: Cleveland, Ohio
Number of Members in Attendance: 91 Total; 16 Female; 75 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 3 Total; 0 Female; 3 Male
Total Membership: ??
Number of Papers Presented: 27
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committees: None
Old Committees: Publication Committee
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The Sixty-seventh Meeting of the AAS was held at Cleveland, Ohio, from Sunday to Tuesday, December 28-30, 1941, at the invitation of Professor J.J. Nassau, Director of the Warner and Swasey Observatory of the Case School of Applied Science. Headquarters were at the Wade Park Manor, a residential hotel in the University Circle District. A conference of teachers of astronomy was held Sunday evening in the Ball Room of the Hotel. Dr. Frederick Slocum delivered a lecture on "Stellar Distances." after the lecture, Major O.E. Henderson spoke of the need for aerial navigators, and of the role astronomers could play in instruction. Three sessions for papers were held in the Ball Room of the Wade Park Manor on Monday morning and afternoon, and Tuesday afternoon. On Tuesday morning, a session at the Warner and Swasey Observatory was devoted to a symposium on the schmidt-type telescope and its work. Monday evening, Dr. Harlow Shapley delivered a public lecture in Severance Hall on "Galactic Explorations with the Newer Telescopes," which was well attended. The Council held meetings Sunday and Monday afternoons. Probably the Most important actions taken were the adoption of recommendations concerning the administration of the Astronomical Journal, recently acquired by the Society, and the ratification of the affiliation between the Society and the Astrophysical Journal. Special subscription rates to Society members were approved. The meeting came to an end at the Society Dinner, which was held Tuesday evening in the Ball Room of the Wade Park Manor.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees. [Identifications] |
Dates: June 12-14, 1942
Place: New Haven, Connecticut
Number of Members in Attendance: 88 Total; 22 Female; 66 Male
Number of New Members Admitted: 12 Total; 2 Female; 10 Male
Total Membership: ??
Number of Papers Presented: 28
Members/representatives/delegates: None
New Committees: Teachers' Committee, composed of Alice H. Farnsworth, Chair, Marjorie Williams, J.J. Nassau, and C.C. Wylie.
Old Committees: Publication Committee
Held in Conjunction With: None
Honorary Member(s): None
Notes of Interest: The Sixty-eight Meeting of the AAS was held at New Haven, Connecticut, from Friday to Sunday, June 12-14, 1942, on the invitation of Yale University and of Dr. Dirk Brouwer, Director of the Yale University Observatory. Most members stayed at the Hotel Taft, across from the New Haven green and the Yale Campus. Sessions for papers were held in the auditorium of the Sterling Law Building. A teachers' conference was held Friday morning on the general topic of "The Teaching of Navigation." Charts and equipment for use in navigation classes were exhibited; Drs. J.Q. Stewart and N.L. Pierce led the discussion. On Friday evening, Dr. W.J. Eckert, Director of the Nautical Almanac Office, gave an instructive lecture on "The Construction of the Air Almanac." The Council held meetings Friday morning and Saturday afternoon. One important action was the approval of recommendations of the Committee on Publications concerning the policy and procedure in regard to the publication of future reports of Society meetings, and the discontinuance of Publications of the American Astronomical Society
as such. Beginning with the Seventieth Meeting, the abstracts of papers and reports of observatories will be published in the Astronomical Journal. General accounts of meetings of the Society will be published in Popular Astronomy. Another important action taken by the Council Was the giving of official status to the Teachers' Committee. The meeting ended after a splendid Society dinner, held Saturday evening at Wilcox's Restaurant beside the bay at West Haven.
Published descriptions of meeting:
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Group photo of attendees. [Identifications] |